Bullshit or not
Scharnhorst writes in addition to "altfrankisch" that Saxon-unifom cut was worn at the begining of the XVIII century by most of the armies. So I assume he means cut presented on the picture I have attached. But it's the best way to read it personally so I send you whole article (please cofirm If you recive it - sometimes mails send abroad are blocked by anti-vir programs).
About cut Prussian and Saxon. I'll ask my friend for photo of Prussian uniform, and I'll attach picture of Saxon Rock I have. Then I think everything would be clear. I understand it's hard to describe all differences via forum so I think that picture would be very helpful.
Saoxn officers.... well once again I only quote what Funck has written. I assume that he was quite aware of these arising problems among Saxon offiziercorps.

About cut Prussian and Saxon. I'll ask my friend for photo of Prussian uniform, and I'll attach picture of Saxon Rock I have. Then I think everything would be clear. I understand it's hard to describe all differences via forum so I think that picture would be very helpful.
Saoxn officers.... well once again I only quote what Funck has written. I assume that he was quite aware of these arising problems among Saxon offiziercorps.