Spanischer Milizmann in Hamburg 1808?

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  • T. Snorrason
    Neuer Benutzer
    • 21.01.2007
    • 25

    Spanischer Milizmann in Hamburg 1808?

    Among the figures on the Suhr plates is one called "Milizsoldat". (On plate 19, "Der Bürger von Hamburg", Soldaten von Princesa und Guadalaxare, fig. 4. On plate 11, "Sammlung verschiedener Spanischer National-Trachten und Uniformen der Division des Marquis de la Romana, 1807 und 1808 in Hamburg in Garnison", 3 Soldaten des Regiments Guadalaxara. Milizsoldat. On one of the 4 Suhr-plates shown in Holzmann, the figure is also named "Milizsoldat" by Suhr.

    It is the exactly same figure shown on all 3 plates.

    But there was no Spanish milicia troops in the corps of Romana.

    The figure is not from the Spanish line infantry, in that case he should have the infantry embroidery on the collar.
    It can not be Spanish light infantry in their new darkblue uniforms, as the two battalions, Cataluna and Barcelona, in Hamburg both got yellow facings, not red. Further only Cataluna got the new uniforms before returning back to Spain. Cataluna musicians had red lapels lined yellow, but the shown Milizmann holds a gun and has no yellow lining.

    The Milizmann is uniformed like other Spanish City Militia, when one looks in Jose M. Bueno: El Ejercito y la Armada en 1809, Malaga 1982, p 122-125.
    But how could Suhr know that uniform?

    Are some of the Suhr figures in reality copies from other contemporary works?
    Like for instance the French marshall and one of the Spanish sappers, the last maybe copied from the Augsburg Manuscript.
    Any solutions?

    And another matter. Does someone here know of any German articles or books, which deal with the period of Bernadotte in Hamburg, especially the French administration and daily life in Hamburg of the said period.

    Mit freundlichen Grüssen
    Torstein Snorrason

    (Ich lese Deutsch aber schreibe es leider schlecht )
    Angehängte Dateien
  • Tom
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    Chef de Bataillon
    • 03.10.2006
    • 1079

    Holtzmann, T. Das spanische Militär

    A classic - German - book on the Spanish matter is:

    Holtzmann, T. Das spanische Militär in Hamburg 1807-1808. Hamburg: Jürgensen & Becker, 1907

    A newer, more general work:

    Stubbe da Luz, H. "Franzosenzeit" in Norddeutschland (1803 - 1814) : Napoleons Hanseatische Departements. Edition Temmen, 2003

    Best wishes, Thomas H.


    • T. Snorrason
      Neuer Benutzer
      • 21.01.2007
      • 25

      Vielen Dank, Ich habe Holzmann und will die andere suchen.
      Aber wovon kommt der Figur des Milizmann?
      Keine spanische Miliztruppen waren in Hamburg.
      Mit freundlichen Grüssen
      T. Snorrason

