artillerie a pied de la Garde

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  • Drouot
    • 01.10.2006
    • 42

    artillerie a pied de la Garde

    My book on Grenadier a Cheval is going to press shortly, followed by a book on the artillerie a pied de la Garde. This may well appear before my work french artillery equipment.

    Are their any sources in germany showing the uniform of the regiment? Does breitenbach and Ebersdorf show them?

    The next books to follow the artillerie will be the young guard and the 1e Grenadiers.

    Many thanks
  • admin
    • 30.09.2006
    • 2709


    I checked all my series - and most of them show a Guard artillery soldier ... but the riding one!

    Only Berka has one soldier of the Guard foot artillery ... you know the plate? If not, I may scan the whole or the detail showing the soldier of your interest.

    Breitenbach I don't have, so I may not check this series.

    Looking forward reading your book about the grenadiers à cheval (which editor?)

    Nice regards
    Markus Stein
    "Wenn wir geboren werden, weinen wir, weil wir diese große Narrenbühne betreten" (King Lear) ... jedem also sein ganz persönliches (Hof-) Narrenleben


    • Drouot
      • 01.10.2006
      • 42


      I have berka already. For the foot artillery and horse artillery I have Genty, Charlet, Martinet, Strasbourg collection, Alsation collection, plus hoffmann for the horse artillery.

      Todd fisher has looked through the grenadiers and made comments. It will be a full colour book, on good quality paper A5 (A4 would be better), about 500pages. The musee emperi has been most helpful.

      I am using the same format for the artillerie a pied, and then the guard infantry. I may do a work on Rhinebund artillery.


      • HKDW
        Erfahrener Benutzer
        • 02.10.2006
        • 3010

        Breitenbach shows only horse artillery, for horse artillery see also Weiland.
        In case you would do horse artillery also, it would be nice to include the Garde Consulaire.


        • Fred
          • 09.10.2006
          • 67

          Artillerie à pied

          Bonsoir à tous :
          Si cela peut aider, voici une liste de sources sur l'artillerie de la Garde disponible sous forme de fichier word ; vous pouvez le télécharger grâce au lien suivant :

          Amitié à tous

          Frédéric Berjaud


          • Drouot
            • 01.10.2006
            • 42

            I have looked at the guides and consular artilleire as back ground to the artillerie a Pied as the artillerie a pied was formed out of political neccesity as well as a need for heavier guns for the guard. The horse artillery was purged of officers in April 1808, those who supported Lariboisiere were sent to the foot artillery, the other officers were sent to the line or dismissed from service.
            I have chatagnier, Adam, Hoffmann for the consular artillery. For the foot artillery I have Alsation, strasbourg and wurst collection, genty, charlet, martinet, berka. I have not seen the carl collection etc.

            I have looked at the garde du directoire onwards for the grenadier a cheval.


            • HKDW
              Erfahrener Benutzer
              • 02.10.2006
              • 3010

              Surely you have the great paintings of Lejeune?


              • Drouot
                • 01.10.2006
                • 42

                I have gunner jacquinot by Lejeune. Given copy right permission fees to reproduce images in French museums I cant use them in the book. The Emperi are providing images for a french language edition of my artillery book free, but wont release for the english edition.

