confederation du rhin

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  • Le reveur
    confederation du rhin

    I have the plates about spain, italy and naples
    exist it about bayern?
    have you some plates of Achard from condederation?
    thanks and congratulations

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  • admin
    The original plates are in possession of a private collection in Franche - and I'm not sure it's allowed to publish them. Hopefully one time these works by Darbou/Boisselier will find a way to the audience ... also for the Italians, Neapolitans etc.

    Mr. Henri Achard had made facsimile of theses plates and provided them with a "colouring instruction" ... but the original should be more valuable!

    Nice regards
    Markus Stein

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  • Le reveur
    hat ein Thema erstellt confederation du rhin.

    confederation du rhin

    interresting by the uniforms of the Confederation du Rhin, I look for the plates of Darbou
    Thanks and congratulations