Thanks to Marcus!

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  • Kein Prinz
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    Enfant de Troupe
    • 18.04.2021
    • 4

    Thanks to Marcus!

    I cannot find a way to contact you other than this- I wanted to thank you personally again Marcus for your assistance [via tmp] and referral of Berliner Zinnfiguren to obtain the fabulous book 'J'étais soldat de Napoléon!'. This arrived late last week because I had unknowingly ordered 'economy' DHL which was sea freight! So my self-owned Christmas present came in time for my birthday anyway on Saturday.
    Just wanted to say I''ve been purged/ barred by the tmp goonies so couldn't write sooner and you probably won't see me there again.

    Found your bio @online and a very interesting chap you are! [I'd avoided ggl translate like the plague, but now find it necessary to use on this site as my German skills are nil]. Thankfully that has stopped the previous issues I was having.
    I thank you again for your patience and support of our hobbies, and the fabulous work and effort you have put into this site/ domains. I certainly refer many friends and aquaintainces here!
    Stay well and keep those medecins honest!
    regards davew
    Auckland - New Zealand.
  • admin
    • 30.09.2006
    • 2719

    Dear Dave,

    welcome here in this board and thank you for your kind words ... I hope the long waiting time for the book is compensated by the quality of the images and the shown objects.

    Greetings to the other side of the world
    Markus Stein
    "Wenn wir geboren werden, weinen wir, weil wir diese große Narrenbühne betreten" (King Lear) ... jedem also sein ganz persönliches (Hof-) Narrenleben

