200 Jahre Völkerschlachtjubiläum in Leipzig

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  • admin
    • 30.09.2006
    • 2700

    eigentlich meinte ich eine Aufzeichnung vom Symposium denn da war ich leider noch nicht vor Ort.[/QUOTE]

    Hallo Josef,

    ich werde sukzessive die Folien der Vorträge (manche sogar im Fließtext) online stellen - sobald alle veröffentlicht sind, schreibe ich hier.

    Schöne Grüße
    Markus Stein
    "Wenn wir geboren werden, weinen wir, weil wir diese große Narrenbühne betreten" (King Lear) ... jedem also sein ganz persönliches (Hof-) Narrenleben


    • OJM
      Neuer Benutzer
      • 05.09.2007
      • 10

      Interesting to see the various views on here. I was one of the many participants (in Swedish uniform), and am saddened to hear about the sad experiences of the public, as well as the camp followers (our own were among them), which became a big problem as we started to run out of water at the end of the battle.

      I am all for keeping camp followers trailing the troops and wandering around the field to a minimum, but some of them actually give needed aid, so a fixed ratio for each unit could have been set, without detracting from historical accuracy and "feel".

      As for the norwegian/saxon grenadiers, nice they can be useful, since their uniforms unfortunately bear minimal resemblance to what their historical counterparts actually wore in Norway in 1808.

      As for historical accuracy in general, why not consider it an unique possibility to see good well drilled and correct units like the 9eme, 22e, 8eme etc. performing together, and getting rough impressions of what large number of troops move and look like?

      With regards to the scenario, I quickly realised, and later got confirmed that the placement of the Swedish battalion separately was no random coincidence. The plan was intended to give a nod to the placement, composition and actions of the northern army under Bernadotte, so the Rocket Battery was close to us, and russian line and irregular asian cavalry placed together with us. Fully historical no, but a nice nod in the direction of the historical facts. I can fully understand why the other russian and prussian units were gathered for maximum effect elsewhere.

      As for the saxon units, didn't some start changing sides before october, and quite a few of the first that switched sides, did so to Bernadotte during the battle?

      I agree with the sentiments regarding the Scottish. They were placed near us, as fillers I suppose, and should have toned down their scottishness to a much bigger degree. I quite like bagpipes and highlanders at Waterloo and other appropriate places. It had nothing to do in Leipzig.

      Also, I am still amazed that groups like the Lützowers wearing "country and western" waistcoats, conductors trousers and modern shirts are allowed anywhere near events like this.

      (apologies for writing in english, but my written german is not up to expressing sentences with more than three words dealing with groceries and courtesies)



      • josef1811
        • 05.08.2008
        • 77

        Hallo Markus,

        vielen Dank



        • muheijo
          Erfahrener Benutzer
          • 01.10.2006
          • 553

          Am 05.Jan. lief nun ein Bericht zur Vølkerschlacht und dem 200.Jahrestag im norwegischen Fernsehen ("NRK").
          Mit dabei unser norwegischer Teilnehmer vom Symposium, und auch der muheijo ist ganz kurz (kaum) zu sehen, als wir uns eine schwedische Batterie beim Exerzieren angeschaut hatten...

          Wer møchte, hier der Link zum angucken, es kommen auch teilweise deutsche Historiker zu Wort, mit norwegischen Untertiteln.
          Man sieht auch Teile des Dioramas, und von der Schlachtdarstellung.

          Se hele NRKs store utvalg av serier, dokumentarer, underholdning, film, sport og nyheter.

          Der gesamte halbstuendige Beitrag ist dort auch zum (Mit-)lesen, einfach auf "Teksting" klicken.

          Gruss, muheijo

